Best Places to Buy Kratom in Nanaimo

February 27, 2024 Kratom Information No Comments »

It’s an ongoing challenge for Canadian kratomites to get a local vendor, especially brick-and-mortar ones. We feel your frustration as we wanted to pull our hair, too, as we hunted through the entire city. However, we’re not really surprised. Disappointed, yes. Kratom has so many benefits that it would be a blessing to get a local Nanaimo kratom vendor. But considering the stance of Health Canada with kratom, we’re not expecting much.

Unfortunately, it’s an ongoing challenge. Because, as of now, kratom is not legal to be sold for human consumption. As we wait for Health Canada’s stamp of approval, the best that you can do for now is get kratom from online vendors.

Nanaimo Kratom: Island Kratom

As a Nanaimo kratom vendor, Island Kratom gives you two choices for your research.

One is their regular powder, and you have 15 strains to choose from. Their most notable one is the Red Bali, which is packed with  7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine. They also have super strains, but there are two that stood out. One is the Super Green Maeng Da, which is a blend of Green Maeng Da (80%) and White Vein powder (20%). The other one is the Super Gold Maeng Da. What’s different about this is that this one underwent a secondary drying process. The result is a golden hue colour and 7%-15% alkaloid levels.

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If these aren’t strong enough for you, they have kratom extracts. You have 2 potent extracts to choose from. One is the 28% MIT, which is 20X stronger than the regular Island Kratom strains. Once you feel that this isn’t working for you, go for the 50% MIT. This one is super packed with alkaloids. It’s 50X more potent than their regular kratom, so use this very, very carefully. We’re all about research, but then again, your safety should be your priority.

If you want to be a little bit on the adventurous side, have a look at their microdosing blends. They have the Neuro Blend and Neuro Ultra that can put a different touch to your research.

Big Bear  Kratom

Here’s why Big Bear Kratom is one of our Nanami kratom vendor recommendations.

One is their kratom varieties are lab-tested. They put top importance on quality, and your safety is paramount. What’s more, you get free samples with every order! Who doesn’t want free samples, right?

Most importantly, you get expert customer service. You can tap on their knowledge when you want to clarify something about kratom and your order. You have full support, and they can be relied on when you encounter issues.

Just like with Island Kratom, Big Bear Kratom has 25X, 45X and 80X kratom extract. The kratom extracts, being new on their lineup, don’t have reviews yet. But for their regular kratom products, there were some pretty solid reviews. One said out of the 5-6 suppliers he’s been with, Big Bear Kratom was the best. A couple who reviewed their 100g sampler pack said the size, packaging, and price were just perfect.

image of kratom king canada

Nanaimo Kratom Vendor: Kratom King Canada

Kratom King Canada serves the entire Canada, including Nanaimo, of course. Just a word of caution when you search for this one. There will be three results that can make you confused.

There’s “The Kratom King” US vendor that is located in Reno, Nevada. And there’s another “Kratom King” that is doing business in Longview, Texas, USA. So, how will you know that you’re dealing with Kratom King Canada? Look for the word “Canada” in the URL. If you don’t see it, you, my friend, are looking at either of the two US vendors. Not that it’s bad, though. However, you’ll be spending extra on shipping, have to worry about customs, and also wait extra days or weeks for your order.

Now, back to Kratom King Canada. This vendor started in 2016, and has since been going strong. The thing you should note here is their “super” microgrind kratom powder. It’s pure, raw, and unadulterated. You have a decent selection of kratom varieties, including the Red Horn, Red Thai, White Hulu, and Yellow Vietnam.

Another thing to note here is that you can only order in packs. Yes, you can’t get individual strains in your order. How does this work? Let’s start with the Half-Kilo mixed pack. Here, you have 2 of your chosen strains at 250g each. The next one is the King Kilo, which is a mix of 5 strains of 250g each. Yes, we also did a double-take. It’s not exactly 1kg, but 1.25kg. The last one is the 4-Kilo, which is 1kg of each of your chosen strains.

As for reviews, they got a 4.4 rating on Google. Many appreciated their customer service and the personal attention they gave to each order. Shipping is fast, and response is quick.

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Nanaimo Kratom Conclusion

It’s hard to find a Nanaimo Kratom vendor. That’s why when you find a vendor, it has to give you their full support. One that you can give your trust 100%. The first thing you should keep in mind is your safety. Savings should come last. It’s no use buying cheap kratom that will put your safety and research at risk. You might end up spending three times more because of the harm you got from poor-quality kratom.

Always look for three things: lab tests, reviews, and customer guarantee. Of all the three, the lab test is the most important part. It’s objective and speaks about the integrity of the kratom product you ordered. Without it, consider your order compromised.

Have you tried any of these suggested Nanaimo kratom vendors? Let us know how they took care of you in the comment section below.

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