5 Best Places to Buy Organic Kratom In Canada

January 05, 2024 Kratom Information No Comments »

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We’ve listed the best places to buy organic kratom in Canada to help you make safe, educated decisions. However, there is one thing you should note first when looking for one.

What Does Organic Mean for Kratom?

When we hear the word “organic,” we instantly come to think about how safe and natural a substance is. Mostly, it’s related to a product’s growing conditions, harvesting and manufacturing process, right down to packaging. This is mostly labelled on food or products you consume. Especially when a product is labelled as 100% organic.

Do note, though, that Health Canada doesn’t approve kratom in Canada as fit for human consumption. As much as $58,000 worth of kratom products were seized by Health Canada in 2018. That’s how serious they are. So, as of now, kratom will remain to be illegal for human consumption. This is why many kratom vendors always make it clear the botanical is strictly for research only.

So, what does it mean when you see organic in kratom when you can’t consume it? It means that the botanical wasn’t made with synthetic ingredients, GMO products, or artificial additives. What you get is pure kratom. As for the origin, remember that kratom grows best in Asia’s wild, fertile forests. It doesn’t like controlled conditions. The leaves are far more potent when sourced from kratom that grew naturally in their habitat.

If a company says the kratom is organic, it’s mostly from naturally growing trees. They are maintained using sustainable and natural practices. No pesticides, insecticides, or other chemicals were used.

Now that’s clear, here are the best places to buy organic kratom in Canada.

image of best places to buy kratom in canada kratom genie

Best Places to Buy Organic Kratom in Canada: Kratom Genie

It’s impossible to talk about the best places to buy organic kratom in Canada without mentioning Kratom Genie. With over 20 years of experience in the botanical industry, they certainly know kratom inside and out.

You can get regular organic kratom leaf, variety packs, and kratom extracts. What’s more, there’s also a price match, although it seems it’s only for your first order.

Does Kratom Genie offer discount codes? Yes, you’ll get a discount code on their website. First-time customers get as much as 40% and a thank-you gift. There’s also a different code if you’re a repeat customer. It changes every season so check the Discount Code tab from time to time.

My Kratom Canada

They’re in our list of the best places to buy organic kratom in Canada because of their transparency. When you go to My Kratom Canada, you’ll see a graphic description of their extraction process. There is pretty technical and advanced jargon there, so be prepared to challenge your mind.

Aside from making sure that your kratom is organic, they also ensure potency and safety. At the end of each product page is a sample of their lab test. A third party in Canada does it, and it shows how safe the products are.

image of my kratom canada

As for the potency, though, they didn’t show that result. Also, the lab tests are dated more than 3 years. It’s important that when you cross-check a batch to a result, the conducted test is less than 2 years. If a product has been sitting on the shelf for 2 years or more, potency and safety declines. No matter how well-stored, packed, and sealed they are, return it for an exchange. Request for a fresh batch with an updated lab report.

If you want My Kratom Canada discount codes, you get it straight to your inbox. Just sign up for their newsletter and get exclusive savings only for subscribers.

Best Places to Buy Organic Kratom: Kratom Earth Canada

Kratom Earth Canada claims their botanical is 100% organically sourced and “engineered by nature.” Their distribution base is in British Columbia, which is something to note when you’re located far from the province.

Many reviews on the site confirm the potency, quality, and safety of the product. This is not to be confused with Earth Kratom, which is a US vendor. If you can’t enter the website, that’s most probably Earth Kratom you’re visiting.

So, what can you expect from one of the best places to buy organic kratom in Canada? Kratom Earth has regular strains for beginners and enthusiasts. If you’re an expert researcher, there are the super strains that are more potent. For researchers who are always in a hurry, you can get the strains in capsule forms. Many customers recommend the super variety. You won’t have any questions about quality as many are saying these are reliable.

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Canada Kratom Store

They are one of the best places to buy organic kratom in Canada when you’re in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. You got regular strains, white, yellow and also gold kratom. They ship the same day and also offer variety packs.

What’s interesting is the PRIME strains. Most of Canada Kratom Store’s regular kratom are tested with 1.40-1.59% mitragynine. For the PRIME, it’s a must that they have above 1.60% mitragynine.

Another good thing about Canada Kratom Store is that an FDA-certified USA lab tests their botanicals. The country already had more experience with kratom as they had it as early as 2011. As the years passed, they’ve made progress on how to improve the industry. Depending on the lab Canada Kratom Store used, the accuracy of the results could be reliable.

Best Kratom Canada

If there’s one thing we like about Best Kratom Canada, it is their belief in the quality of Kratom. It’s true when they say never pick the cheapest kratom, believing you got yourself a deal. Getting a high-quality one is not as simple as many people were led to believe. There are choices, intentional processes, and tests that are needed to ensure quality.

So, if you get a pack of kratom for an insanely low price, that’s way below what’s currently in the market? Double or triple-check it because there’s a high chance you got an inferior product.

On this note, you’ll see that BKC has a general price range of $60.00-$170.00 for 250g-1kg of kratom powder. Their botanical is sourced sustainably and of course, 100% organic.

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It’s one of the best places to buy organic kratom in Canada because you’ll get fine powder with no stems. You also get free shipping for orders $200 and above.

Their website does need some improvement. Usually, when you look at a vendor’s site menu on top, you know by standard you’ll learn about them. However, upon clicking “Locations” and “Reviews,” we noticed two things. They were links to articles about kratom vendors according to location. The reviews are about other vendors, too. So, we don’t know how good Best Kratom Canada would be in terms of product and service.

The lineup of products are decent, giving you a higher chance of getting the kratom you need. However, unlike the previous vendors, you won’t see any super strains or high-ratio extracts. If you’re a beginner, this can be a safe zone for you because you don’t have a strong formulation to tempt you.

Best Places to Buy Organic Kratom in Canada Conclusion

Getting kratom that is safe to use and reliable can be a challenge with so many vendors. Fortunately, there are those that make the choice easy for us. Transparency is the major thing to look for when searching for the best places to buy organic kratom in Canada.  Look for lab tests and a way to confirm if the product is organic or not. If it’s not shown on the website, turn on your fact finder mode and call the company. Ask how they make sure that the product is organic, and look for proof.

Which of these companies would you go for and why? Let us know in the comment section.

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